Datum |
17 november 2023 |
Locatie |
UAntwerpen - Stadscampus Klooster van de Grauwzusters (Gebouw S) Lange Sint-Annastraat 7 2000 Antwerpen Kijk hier voor meer info.
9:30-10:00 Patio |
Registratie en ontvangst met koffie |
10:00-12:00 Promotiezaal |
Plenaire sessie 'Digitale literatuur en haar onderzoek in een digitale maatschappij
Welkom en inleiding
Bart Eeckhout (UAntwerpen, VAL), Thomas Ernst/Leonore Nassen (UAntwerpen, lokale organisatie)
Astrid Ensslin (University of Regensburg): Historicizing E-literature Research: A Ludic Approach
Panel- en publieksdebat
“Digital Literature and AI: Challenges and Inspirations for the Literary Studies of the Future”
Sprekers: Leah Budke (KU Leuven) | Astrid Ensslin (University of Regensburg) | Robbe Vandersmissen (UGent)
12:00-14:00 Patio |
Lunch |
14:00-16:00 Verschillende lokalen |
Parallelle sessies
Section 1: Digital Literary Studies and Digital Humanities
- Lindsey Geybels/Lien Claeys (UAntwerpen): Drawing Edges between Generations: Social Networks in the Works of Crosswriters
- Luna De Bruyne (UAntwerpen/UGent)/Véronique Hoste (UGent): Emotions in Guido Gezelle’s ‘Paper Women’ letter correspondence
- Lamyk Bekius (UAntwerpen): Too little or too much data? Reflections on genetic criticism applied to floppy disk files and keystroke logging data
- Chiara Cremona (VUB): Studying the transcultural reception of English novels through digitised reviews of Italian periodical press
- Paavo Van der Eecken (UAntwerpen): Thinking Outside of the Bounding Box: A Reconsideration of the Application of Computational Tools on Uncertain Humanities Data
Section 2: Literature, Authorship and Literary Criticism in a Digital Society
Chair: Pim Verhulst (UAntwerpen)
- Giorgio Busi Rizzi (UGent): The Networked Author. Rethinking contemporary authorship through comics after the digital turn
- Michele Marchini (KU Leuven): Mexico and Digital Literature: Evolving Perspectives, from Juan Villoro to Mónica Nepote
- Robbe Vandersmissen (UGent): De toekomst voor oren: het luisterboek als gamechanger in het literaire veld
- Hanne Willekens (UGent): Gegenderde kritiek? Een empirische analyse van gender in literatuurrecensies in het Zweedse dagblad Dagens Nyheter (2018-2022)
Section 3: Bodies and Objects, Identity and Representation in Literature, Theatre and Film
Chair: Helga Mitterbauer (ULB)
- Jonas Vanderschueren (KU Leuven): “Zaraza”: Re-imagining corporeality through environmentally adapted bodies in The Witcher
- Janina Meissner (UAntwerpen): “Ich muss das Ding haben.“ Things and their Poetic Potentials in Georg Büchner‘s Woyzeck
- Francis Mus (UGent): Zichtbaarheid en erkenning. Paratekstuele (zelf)representatiestrategieën in literaire vertalingen Frans-Nederlands in de Lage Landen
- Quintus Immisch (University of Tübingen/Aix-Marseille Université/Brussel): Freud and the Naked Truth. Case Study from a PhD Project on Nudity in Modern Literature and Culture
Section 4: Biographies, Characters and Identities in Radio, Children’s and Youth Literature
Chair: Janine Hauthal (VUB)
- Iana Nikitenko (VUB): Narrating Lives Over the Airwaves: A Transnational Study of Post-war Radio Biographies in Britain and Germany
- Andrea Davidson and Rosemarie Knobloch (UAntwerpen): Adolescence onstage and behind the scenes: The intergenerational collaboration to adapt Aidan Chambers’ The Toll Bridge into Ibycus’ De Tolbrug
- Elena Guerzoni (Bologna/UAntwerpen): Like a River. Adolescence and Youth Literature: Metaphors of Ungraspable Identities
- Katrijn Van den Bossche (VUB): ‘It’s A Story. It’s Not My Life’: Reading Natzasha Brown’s Assembly (2021) as a Politically Engaged Anti-Novel
16:00-16:30 Patio |
Koffie |
16:30-17:30 Kapel |
Plenaire sessie “Literatuur, letterkunde en artificiële intelligentie”
Nick Montfort (MIT / Bergen Center for Digital Narrative): Seventy Years of Computer-Generated Literature in English
17:30 Patio |
Receptie |
Lokale organisatie
Thomas Ernst en Leonore Nassen (Universiteit Antwerpen).
Beiden zijn voor het VAL-symposium 2023 bereikbaar via valstudiedag2023[at]uantwerpen.be.